Don't Wait to Fix Chimney Leaks

Ahh, springtime! The snow is melting, the trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, you’re stuck at home; and your chimney is leaking. Have you been spending more time at home and heard a persistent, unfound dripping? After a Colorado winter, with months of snow and ice sitting against your chimney, spring is when we notice the new leaks. Call your local fireplace and chimney experts to fix it.

Our Chimney Safety Institute of America Certified technicians will perform a thorough leaky chimney inspection to determine where the water is coming in, and how to stop it. We are an essential business and are still open to make sure your family is safe and warm. If you suspect your chimney of allowing water into your home, don’t wait, call us today. We can solve your chimney problems!

Exposure to the Elements Causes Chimney Leaks

Most people are unfamiliar with the parts to a chimney system that can allow water in. The weak points of a chimney vary depending on whether it’s a masonry or factory-built chimney. Most parts of the chimney degrade with time, UV rays from sunlight, hail damage, and the repeated freezing and thawing of a Colorado spring. There are usually several suspected weak points when there are signs of water intrusion. This fact makes identifying exactly where the water is coming from a challenge. Often, the location of apparent water damage does not reveal the actual location of the source of the leak.

Weathering in masonry joints and bricks is a common source of chimney leaks in Colorado.

Weathering in masonry joints and bricks is a common source of chimney leaks in Colorado.

Weathering in masonry joints and bricks is a common source of chimney leaks in Colorado.

Why do masonry chimneys leak?

If you have a masonry chimney you may believe that it will last forever, but that is simply not true. Masonry chimneys are susceptible to degradation and chimney leaks just like any other material. This degradation happens faster than most people expect with the unpredictable winter and spring weather in Colorado. We see damage to masonry chimneys from rain and hail; however, the freeze/thaw cycle is most destructive, that is why it’s so important to keep water flowing off and away from your chimney.

Masonry chimneys are made of flue tiles which are supported by cinder blocks and stone or bricks. They also have a concrete crown at the top. The concrete crown is designed to be the “lid” to your masonry chimney, it keeps water out and sheds the water away from the sides of the chimney. Concrete crowns should have 2-inch overhang with a drip edge which prevents water from running down and eroding the mortar joints between the stones or bricks. If you’re missing a 4-5” thick concrete slab with an overhang and drip edge atop the masonry, that’s a strong indicator of water intrusion problems. We can pour a new concrete crown for your chimney or apply Crown Coat to seal any cracks you may have in your chimney crown.

When your crown isn’t deflecting water away from the sides of your chimney, water seeps through your mortar joints. This problem becomes even larger when the moisture freezes and expands. Freezing water expansion exerts tremendous pressure on surrounding masonry materials, creating cracks which then allow more water in. As this cycle continues, the damage compounds with each freeze and thaw. Eventually there may be no mortar left at all, allowing rain or snow melt directly into your home. Our chimney experts can repair water damage to masonry and mortar, keeping your chimney leak free and maintaining the integrity of your home.

What causes factory-built chimneys to leak?

If you don’t have a masonry chimney, you’re still at risk of chimney leaks. If you have a framed wooden box, called a “chase” enclosing your venting, those materials can also wear out and allow water into your home. The top of a chase system must have a proper cover, chimney cap, and storm collar. The weakest point of the chase is the sheet metal chase cover.

Chase covers are more susceptible to rain and hail damage than masonry chimneys. Over time, dents form and the cover sags on top, collecting water and rusting through. A new chase cover is sloped from the center with drip edges designed to shed water away from chase. If water runs down the sides of your chase, it can enter through gaps in the façade on your chase. Chases are also flashed to the roof line, that can be another area water sneaks its way into your home.

A CSIA-Certified chimney sweep from Mountain Man Fireplace & Chimney inspects a chimney for leaks.

A CSIA-Certified chimney sweep from Mountain Man Fireplace & Chimney inspects a chimney for leaks.

If your factory built chimney or the chase around it is leaking, you should seek the help a CSIA-Certified professional like the technicians at Mountain Man Fireplace & Chimney.

What do I do about chimney leaks?

Whether your chimney is masonry or you have a chase and factory-built chimney, a proper chimney cap is your first line of defense against a leaky chimney. If you look up at your chimney and there isn’t a cap, call us right away! The structure around your flue may be tight but if you’re missing your cap or you have a damaged or improperly sized cap, it allows water straight into the home. Water intrusion from a chimney leak due to a missing cap can damage both masonry and factory-built chimneys. This damage has repercussions that affect not just your fireplace and chimney system but other parts of your home as well.

Our leaky chimney inspection evaluates your entire chimney or chase. If you don't address damage from a chimney leak quickly, it only gets worse. That’s why it’s crucial that any leaks are located and repaired immediately. If you notice any suspicious water stains, or hear dripping and can’t find the source, protect your home and your investment, call us right away!

Call us if your chimney is leaking!

Our technicians are certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America and the National Fireplace Institute. They have the experience to take on your leaky chimney problems and any other fireplace or chimney needs you have. We also have industry specific techniques, such as special flashing for sealing the uneven edge where masonry chimneys meet the roof line. Put our 22 years of experience working on chimneys in the foothills to work for you!

If the one thing about spring that you are not enjoying is a mysterious water leak, we can help! We can also take on your other fireplace and chimney needs from sales and installation to annual service and repairs. As a business that is essential to your home and family’s safety, we’re open for business and booking appointments. Give us a call today at (303) 679-1601. You can also reach us at

Originally posted on, our sister site.

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Chimney Repairs Liz Dinkel Chimney Repairs Liz Dinkel

Types Of Chimney Repairs

Chimneys are tough structures and last for decades, which is why families love having them in their home! But that doesn’t mean they don’t need care and regular maintenance from time to time...Despite being highly durable, sometimes repairs are simply inevitable. If you suspect there are issues with your chimney, or if you’re due for your annual inspection, give the CSIA certified staff at Mountain Man Fireplace & Chimney a call today! We are qualified to address any issues with your chimney, and you’ll be happy you patched things up sooner, rather than later. Learn more below.

Broken Down Brickwork

Bricks are made from some tough materials, but that doesn’t mean they can withstand anything. Weather, neglect, and years of wear and tear can take its toll on your brickwork, and sometimes tune-ups are necessary. Invest in our tuckpointing services right away! We will take care of any cracks, holes, and worn down brick, so that you can get back to enjoying your fireplace to the fullest.

Leaks & Water Damage

Leaks are another common issue in chimney systems. Heavy rains and snowfall are inevitable, and your brickwork faces the brunt of any bad weather. Tons of moisture gets soaked into the chimney, and it triggers a lot of issues such as clogs, deterioration, rust, rot, stains, and more. Along with this the freeze-thaw process will occur, which puts a lot of extra pressure on your system as a whole.Addressing water damage as soon as possible will benefit you greatly in the long run. A weakened structure only leads to more issues down the line, and any unresolved problems will only get worse and worse. You could eventually face a settlement or collapse and, in the meantime, your chimney will not function nearly as efficiently as it could. Not to mention, using a damaged chimney puts your home and loved ones at risk, as it increases the likelihood of fires and can causes toxins to back up into your home.Talk to us today about what we can do to resolve any issues associated with a leaky chimney. Then, ask about our waterproofing services! We have high quality products that will seal your brickwork, protecting it from bad weather while allowing it the ability to breath out necessary vapors. It’s an investment worth making - call today to learn more !

Caps, Covers, & Dampers

What would a chimney be without proper working parts? Your chimney needs to stay protected from outside elements and vent properly to enhance its overall functioning. That’s why we can repair and/or replace various parts of your chimney, as needed. Keep animals out and warm air in this winter by working with our expert team today.There’s no time to waste… the holidays are coming quick, so set up your appointment with us now. We can’t wait to hear from you soon!

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