Which Level Of Inspection Does Your Chimney Need?

With cooler temperatures upon us, you’ll likely be hosting a gathering or two with loved ones. If you’re gearing up for a busy couple of winter months, then it’s time to ensure your fireplace and chimney are ready. Whether you’re spending the evening with friends and family, or you just want to cozy up alone with a crackling fire. The team at Mountain Man Fireplace & Chimney is here to help with all of your fireplace needs!An investment you’ll definitely want to make is a chimney inspection. Our qualified and experienced team is CSIA certified, and we can perform all three levels of inspections. Not sure what level you need? Learn more about what each level offers below, and give us a call today!

One, Two, Or Three?

Level Of Chimney Inspection

Level Of Chimney Inspection

So, what does each level of inspection entail? Well, the first is the most simple. A lot of fireplace owners do a great job investing in regular care for their system, and this maintenance tends to pay off when the time comes for an annual inspection. In a level one inspection, we’ll examine all readily accessible parts of your fireplace and chimney, checking for signs of damage and build-up along the way.If you haven’t made any major changes in construction or fuel type in the past year, and if you’ve regularly received care from a certified chimney professional, then you should be good to go with a level one inspection this fall.A level two inspection includes all the steps of a level one inspection, but we’ll also include a video analysis. With the use of modern equipment, we’re able to snake a camera up your flue. This gives us a thorough, accurate, and in-depth look at the inside of your system. Level two inspections are done when there’s been a big change to the appliance or if there’s been extensive damage due to storms or bad weather. They are also required in the transfer of property such as when you are buying a selling your home.Finally, there’s the level three inspection. These aren’t needed as regularly and are only done when parts of your fireplace need to be removed in order to find the source of an issue. We do our best to avoid this level of inspections, as it takes extreme measures, but sometimes it’s the only option, if we find that your system is life threatening to your home and family.

Inspections Lead To Safer Fireplace Use

Many people wonder if inspections are really necessary every year. We are here to reassure you that it's well worth the money and time. By avoiding a yearly inspection, it can lead to big damages that require a lot of extensive repair work and lots of time and money. They also ensure your system is not clogged or other issues. This helps to lower your risk of chimney fires, house fires, carbon monoxide leaks, and more hazards. Contact our crew today - we guarantee fast, efficient results!


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We Can Diagnose & Troubleshoot Your Chimney