Chimney Cap Installation & Accessories

Looking for an inexpensive way to solve countless chimney woes? Talk to our experts today about a new chimney cap! At Mountain Man Fireplace & Chimney, there’s nothing we take more seriously than keeping your home and chimney as safe as possible, and a chimney cap offers countless protection. Why wait? Give our sweeps a call now, and we’ll come and install a chimney cap in no time!

Importance Of Chimney Caps

Chimney Cap Installation & Accessories - Littleton CO - Mountain Man Fireplace and Chimney

Chimney Cap Installation & Accessories - Littleton CO - Mountain Man Fireplace and Chimney

Chimney caps serve many purposes for your fireplace and chimney. They’re mostly known for keeping water out of your flue, ensuring your masonry stay safe and last for the long haul. Protecting your chimney from water damage is one of the most important things, and a chimney is one of the best way to protect against water.Chimney caps also protect against animal invasion. Birds, squirrels, raccoons, and other woodland critters love to hunker down in your warm chimney and build nests. This is obviously a big issue, especially if and when you go light a fire. A chimney cap keeps these animals out, guaranteeing a safer situation for you and the creatures.Worried about sparks flying out onto your flammable roofing materials? Chimney caps can stop any stray sparks or embers trying to fly out of your chimney. Chimney caps are also great for blocking downdrafts. They keep out excessive debris, which lower your risk of clogs and buildup significantly. Call us today for more information!

Need Something Extras?

If you’re looking to enhance your chimney cap even more, talk to our team about purchasing some chimney cap accessories. We have various tools and equipment that can further inhibit downdrafts, animal entry, and more. We’re certain we have everything necessary for personalizing your cap to your needs and preferences.

Always Trust The Professionals

There’s no doubt that when it comes to keeping your chimney in tip-top shape by trusting a professional and certified crew. This ensures everything with your fireplace is as safe and efficient as possible. Fall is coming up fast, so now is the time to get all of your chimney and fireplace maintenance done. We’ll get your fireplace ready for the burning season ahead. Call our pros now at 303-679-1601. 


Fall Chimney Maintenance & Sweepings


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